
kapow-punch-clock.Apunchclockprogramtohelpintrackingspenttime.https://gottcode.org/kapow/.Appmanifest.Currentversion:1.6.1.,Kapowisapunchclockprogramdesignedtoeasilykeeptrackofyourhours,whetheryou'reworkingononeprojectormany.Simplyclockinandoutwiththe ...,Keeptrackoftimespentonprojects.Kapowisapunchclockprogramdesignedtoeasilykeeptrackofyourhours,whetheryou'reworkingononeprojectormany.,Kapowis...

Kapow Punch Clock

kapow-punch-clock. A punch clock program to help in tracking spent time. https://gottcode.org/kapow/. App manifest. Current version: 1.6.1.

在Linux 上安裝Kapow Punch Clock

Kapow is a punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours, whether you're working on one project or many. Simply clock in and out with the ...

Install Kapow Punch Clock on Linux

Keep track of time spent on projects. Kapow is a punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours, whether you're working on one project or many.

gottcodekapow: Punch clock program.

Kapow is a punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours, whether you're working on one project or many.

Kapow Punch Clock Archive

Previous versions of Kapow Punch Clock · Version 1.6.2 · Version 1.6.1 · Version 1.6.0 · Version 1.5.10 · Version 1.5.9 · Version 1.5.8 · Version 1.5.7.

Kapow Punch Clock

Kapow is a punch clock program designed to easily keep track of your hours, whether you're working on one project or many. Simply clock in and out with the ...

Download Kapow (Punch Clock)

Kapow is a punch clock program designed to keep track of your hours in one, or multiple projects. Simply clock in and out with the Start/Stop button.

Kapow Punch Clock 1.6.3

評分 4.2 (9) · 免費 · Windows Kapow Punch Clock is a lightweight software application whose purpose is to help you keep track of your working hours when you are working on multiple projects.

Portable Kapow Punch Clock 1.6.3 - Windows

評分 3.5 (2) · 免費 · Windows Portable Kapow Punch Clock displays the date, the starting and the ending time, the name of the task, and the number of hours spent working on them. For ...